Today was a very productive day....mum came round to help catch up with some housework. All been a bit under the weather recently and we are also having a big clear out, hoping to simplify things and de clutter. We are adopting a simplified Steiner approach in our family rhythm, well hoping to anyway. The beauty of home ed is that we can 'cherry pick' the best bits of philosophies which interest us, without necessarily subscribing to the philosophy as a whole.
After a lovely omelette brunch we dropped Mum home again and popped over to a local home ed meet. Lots of fun had by all, although sadly it will be the last meet at this particular venue. Thankfully we will be meeting at the beautiful Barton's Point, over the next few months at least, with big plans for the future. The lovely lady who owns/runs the park has big plans too which we are excited to be a part of.
This evening was spent relaxing, reading stories together and trying to practice patient parenting with a toddler and demanding 8 month old and distracting the 10 year old from deliberately winding her little sister up. Amidst the usual evening chaos I have been planning our advent activities as the festive season is looming on the horizon. My crafty friend sent me a link to her old blog which is filled with past advent ideas so hopefully I can come up with a lovely seasonal surprise for the girls. I will be sure to show you the results.
I read a news article today which I have very mixed views about....and which has caused much debate in a number of groups I am involved in....government is trialling a scheme which would pay mums an incentive to breastfeed. Whilst I am very pro breastfeeding, having overcome many difficulties in order to be able to breastfeed successfully, I am not sure this is the way forward and neither it seems are many others. We will just have to wait and see how this saga unfolds ......
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