For a while now I have been after a new push bike. Well when I say new, I mean one at all. I have been borrowing my father in laws, which was always a big too big and then with pregnancy and spd I haven't ridden for ages. The next big question, other than which bike for me ( I was thinking along the lines of a nice ladies bike, call the midwife style ) which seat for the baby? some friends have given good reviews of some once he gets to a year or so For munch we had a tag along trailer but I hated not being to interact with her so didnt want to go along that route again.
Last year I came across an advert for the taga which I think is awesome, unfortunately it is also out of my price range. Today I came across another great bike zigo which looks even better. Unfortunately it is also out of my price range and only available in Canada. Still we can all dream I guess, unless anyone would like to send me one of course x
I always saw myself on a bike with a beautiful basket on the front into which I would place flowers and fresh bread! You'll not be surprised to hear that it hasn't happened yet! Think I might need to move to France.