Sunday, 25 November 2012

Busy doing nothing

Yesterday was one of those day where I was exhausted from over doing it but didn't seem to do anything in particular, apart from housework and refereeing the girls.

Scrubbed the kitchen (again, why is it never ending, our old kitchen never looked as grubby) 2 lots of washing up. Put one load of washing of the clothes horse and away, another out and a 3rd lot in, trying to make the most of the lovely sunshine and good breeze. Cooked porridge for everyone and checked messages, read blogs and facebook. Looked for more cars on the internet whilst waiting for everyone to get up. The girls played with duplo for a bit but kept squabbling so the ginger ninja put on the Wii to try and keep them entertained, didn't last long. Watched a DVD instead. Made lunch and washed up again. Then made cookies with Tinkerbell whilst munch caught up on some reading.

The girls played nicely together for a while whilst I pottered around stripping beds and the ninja put the washing out to make the most of the sunshine (typically it started raining about 20 minutes later and stayed that way for the rest of the day. The girls played rather noisy games of hide and seek with Tinkerbell quite happily counting to ten very loudly and getting all the numbers right. I was feeling pretty tired and baby was making his presence felt by this point so opted for a fairly lazy dinner of fish finger and chips. Plus scrubbing the living room carpet where there were dried milk and yogurt patches (yuck, why do they insist on carrying them around the lounge?)

Finally took myself of for a long soak and a good read of my book and left the ginger ninja to sort bedtime out as I was too uncomfortable and felt I deserved a bath.

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