Saturday we took an unexpectedly pleasant trip to the coast. We had to pick up an ebay purchase from Bexhill so decided to pop along to Hastings for a wander and fish and chip lunch. Munch was out with Nanny 1 visiting some friends so left us with some precious one to one time with Tinkerbell. Was a surprising lovely day weather wise, started off blowing a gale but wind soon died down and a lovely day was had by all. Tink especially loved the new pirate play area. She is obsessed with pirates in general and often wanders around the house with junk mail or random bits of paper pretending they are treasure maps with a pair of binoculars around her neck.

After having no plans for Bonfire night were invited to friends for bangers and bbq on Sunday night. Was great to catch up with some of friends we hadn't seen in a while and the children loved running around and watching a large amount of fireworks....I dread to think how much the hubby stretched his budget. Cue much hilarity and mud. A very late night but a good time was had by all.

We have been trying to take things slowly as SPD is getting worse, slowly but surely, just when I feel I need to be doing more. So lots of home days watching wartime farm, reading and lots of DVD afternoons since we got a TV from freecycle and borrowed a DVD player from FIL. All mixed with library and park visits along with our regular fortnightly Tuesday Faversham group meet this week. It was also Mad Science which is meeting mixed reviews from the children involved. This week was finger prints and blood grouping I think. Not too sure actually as it is something which munch enjoys but usually doesn't talk about much, at least to start with. However, over the next couple of days she usually slowly lets slip what she has learned during conversations about other seemingly unrelated things.
Also lots of craft activities in the art room afterwards, mostly glitter fights with her friend Abi whilst flirting with A....not that they would call it flirting at their young age. lol.
Wednesday Munch had her regular craft sessions with a group of friends run by the lovely Rekela....who must have the patience of a saint to run a craft class for 4 1/2 hours in her conservatory with at least 6 teen and pre-teens and lots of dye, hot glue guns and several amazingly ambitious/ complex craft ideas. This week was geometric pin pictures (reminiscent of the 70's) but not only a simple design...oh no no half measures here. Several practice patterns are needed first....making embroidered/embossed designs on card...almost like embroidered Christmas cards, plus lots of theory, printing of other designs and instructions and discussions of threads, colours etc. Then a large model with pins, embroidery floss and pins before framing and completing. I am exhausted just writing it let alone trying to help half a dozen or so children do it. It is lovely though to see the craft folders they come home with expanding week by week and to see how much Munch is growing in confidence and ability. Next week rag rugs......can't wait to see what she comes up with.