Still no news on the moving front and not much help from the specialist at the ginger ninja's second appointment at the ME clinic. But things could be worse and I am trying to be optimistic.....well one of us has to be as my lovely eternal optimist has become a full time grumpy grinch.......
So, on to brighter news........a couple of times over the past few weeks I have asked munch to do a page in one of her many work books (not all bought by us I hasten to add). Whilst this goes against my autonomous aspirations I found that with everything else going on at present and my own health and mobility issues I am unable to get out and about as much as usual which tends to lead to a sense of cabin fever in the children and myself. I have there for felt the need to ask her to do a page every few days just to encourage her and myself to do anything other than watch the rain or play moshi monsters.
Strangely though she seems to be quite enjoying them. I always let her pick which one she does although she has only really been choosing English and we have decided to ignore maths completely until after we have moved as it was causing friction between her and the ninja maths prof and she was shutting down. However, once she gets going it is hard to get her to put the work books down and she is definitely making progress and feeling rather pleased with herself, which for her is a really big deal (actually doing anything is a pretty big deal in itself)
Added to this she started a mad science workshop this week which runs fortnightly in conjunction with our usual youth group day which she seemed to enjoy, and a craft day with a group of friends run by one of the mums so on the whole things are fairly positive.Now if I could just get the toddler to let me wash her hair things would definitely be on the up :-)
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