Thursday, 21 June 2012


Generally all round feeling rubbish ....the ginger ninja has had a relapse so not good at all....I had to pick him up of the floor the other day as Tinkerbell came running in to tell me daddy fell over. On going usually household stuffs and peoples was snappy yesterday with a Home edder who was our first point of contact when we de regged....she said something in her school teacher tone...I snapped a bit as I was trying to do three things at once and before I could apologise she started having a go at me in front of other people....which of course put my back up and made me dig my heels in. She then started going on about how much she has done for us...blah blah. I really don't appreciate having things thrown back at me...especially when they were offered and not asked for in the first place....or having my mine/our personal disagreement then discussed with everyone else.

On a lighter note.....I really must stop being so doom and gloom I know....I just find it difficult to write about all the bits and bobs the girls get up to...they just get on and play or potter around reading that I am never sure quite what to write. Munch is off to her new arts and craft club today....last week they got their hands on some fimo and this week they are learning to crochet. It is lovely for Much as although there are several new people there she also gets to see 2 of her friends who live just up the road from us but whom we rarely get to see.

Yesterday was the last forest school at was to make up for an earlier session that had been rained off and this time had glorious sunshine.

Monday was spent enjoying the sunshine in a park in Tunbridge wells with a group of Home edders we don't get to see as often as we would like....lots of exploring, climbing and fun. Especially when frogs were found in a puddle and hiding under the trees.

Tuesday we popped to the market before spoiling ourselves with lunch in Frankie & Benny's before popping over to the hall meet in Rochester where we all had a chance to catch up with friends and play :-)

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