I keep meaning to post and then get distracted by the lovely weather and by the time I get back I am exhausted. Lots of busy days here...last forest school at Blean on Wednesday, It is an all day one for the last six weeks or so and Munch has thoroughly enjoyed it. Adults are not supposed to stay so we went shopping in Canterbury and had lunch in the gorgeous whole food cafe which I discovered in my uni days.
Lots of playing has been involved this week. Mostly in the sand pit and paddling pool.....which explains why my carpet is full of sand along with almost everything we touch in the house :-(
Needless to say the housework has taken a bit of a back seat.....it gets once a day even if it doesn't look like ....otherwise I am constantly tidying up a little bit all the time and getting frustrated when the children make more mess.
Slowly having a clear out and trying to have a sort through as we seem to have accumulated a lot of stuff which we are trying to do without....less clutter should equal less mess right????? well maybe we will just have to see.
To this end we did a bootfair last sunday...although my mum bought Munch almost as mush as we sold which did not please the ginger ninja much.
Things have been getting us down a bit recently so the ginger ninja has decided our priority at the moment is for us to get our own car...which will be a diesel so hopefully a bit more fuel economic then mums big petrol car which we borrow at the moment and hopefully a bit bigger so that we can get all of our camping gear in it. Hopefully this will give us more freedom to disappear as often as we like and visit some of our lovely home ed friends who have offered us places to stay.
Lots of free play and reading has added to our week. lots of park play dates and even a jubilee party yesterday which Munch really enjoyed.
The trouble is I either forget to take photos or can't work out how to upload them from instagram ...the ginger ninja usually helps with the technical side of things and he isn't up yet. Too much happens for me to remember it all if I leave it too long between blogs, so probably not the most exciting read......gosh I almost forgot....shopping in CAMDEN baby.....went as a last minute thing with my friend for her birthday....lush...have not been for 11 years and forgot how much I love it. Could have spent a fortune but restrained myself....quite proud of my restraint actually....must be a sign of maturity lol
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