Friday, 13 April 2012

I'm back....

not that I had really gone anywhere, we were just so busy enjoying the early spring sunshine and taking photos to post that I kept forgetting to actually do it. So we now have a surplus of photos, far too many to post at once but will give you a quick run down:

  • Forest school at Trosley lovely morning session and due again on Monday after the Easter break
  • lots of park days and long walks (well as long as CJ could manage in his condition)
  • free arts and crafts at the park with CJ sister and niece
  • visits to both sets of grandparents - love to hear the old stories of living in the country or on the road (just reinforces our dream really, still maybe one day)- actually on that note we just found out that CJ great aunt has 3 acres of beautiful land in a lovely village not 10 miles from much of a kick in the pants is that? All this time we have dreamed of having land or knowing someone who would rent us an acre or so and she was there all the time. Still I think she has unofficially given the land to her son although mum plans on asking her if she fancies renting/ selling but I am not hopeful. Still for just a dilly day dream there we nearly had some pigs and chickens and veg plot of our own. Only down side would be mums inability to do without running water and electricity where as we would really enjoy the challenge and love to live less toxically ( is that even a real word).
  • forest ed- spent the day with friends and other HE peoples at a friends home in the woods- very jealous of their caravan in the woods (and even of their compost toilet- I know that's bad right)
  • A lovely nature walk and sensory trail with Kent Wildlife Trust at Blean woods
  • Garden play
  • Shopping and book lusting @Bagginns in Rochester ....hhmmmm books....
  • Horrible Histories
  • Home work (for a course I am doing on supporting children's learning- a part of the watered down original intention to teach - now schools horrify me more than I can express in polite terms
  • lots of play indoors and several films...Finding Nemo and Happy Feet mostly. 
  • and all the usual bickering amongst the children (and adults) although many issues have been resolved after some serious conversations and hopefully a move to rural pastures in the new year (minus one house guest as this gives her time to save up )
When you right it all up it actually seems quite a lot really. So what will today bring?

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