Monday, 19 March 2012

The sun has got his hat on........

This morning I a up and attem and determined to have a good day. Yesterday was not so great...I woke up fairly early as usual so got up and did a fair bit of housework, then got bored waiting for everyone else to get up. Baby up first so I sorted her breakfast and got her dresses (on a side note the explosive D&V bug appears to be on the wane at last...phew) We watched some Octonauts while we waited for DD2 and the ginger ninja to get up. I got bored by late morning and headed of to a local DIY store to grab several large bags of compost to make a start on a veg patch that has been seriously neglected. The girls 'helped' me plant lots of lovely veggie,s which hopefully I will manage not to kill off, and are now happily sitting in our lean to until the risk of frost has passed.

Oh yeah...all done with no water as there was a problem further up the road and it seemed like half the town was without water for 12hours....on mother's day...when we have several restaurants and a leisure centre within walking distance...all without water..hmmmm. On the plus side if you could walk several hundred yards up the road they were giving out free bottles of water...2 per household...with 4 adults (2 of whom constantly have a cup full of tea/coffee) and 2 children (1 of which is only just beginning to recover from gastroenteritis and needs plenty of fluids.) So 2 bottles did not go far as you can imagine, hardly worth the walk up there. Yet another reason why I want a cabin/ hobbit hole in the woods. Compost toilet, rain water shower (what a luxury) and generally space so I can see the sun and feel the seasons. We never truly appreciate how privileged we are to have access to so much clean water. Something I think we all take for granted.

I experimented with a new to me recipe for lunch....home made KFC using a packet of stuffing. I am told it was good (I am gluten free so tried it with rushed cornflakes and a few spices which worked well) will definitely be doing it again soon.

Yes it was me doing a load of housework and cooking and generally running around feeling very put upon again. It is getting to a point i am seriously considering moving out...definitely considering and if I had any money at all I would be off. I am not happy here, I feel judged and put upon and have to pick up after everybody....yet if some else actually does something and I don't that day they get annoyed. I can't even go on strike because I give in before anyone else and then just have to clear it all up again anyway. So many little things which make all the difference. I realise our cash flow is pretty bad at mo ( well it flows just in the wrong direction ) but not even a happy mothers day or anything. I realise I was up way before everyone else and don't really like breakfast in bed anyway but it is the thought that counts. I even made my own coffee all day and did lots of housework. The ninja did say that he bought a card but forgot to get the kids to sign it.......

Anyway...the sun is shining and we are out of here...after several exciting experiments in the kitchen yesterday vis a vie pack-up/picnic items I am off to put the finishing touches to some fruit kebabs before Forest-School...yay for the woods. :-)

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